Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday Recap

Yesterday was an eventful day. The girls and I headed to Oklahoma City Monday night, because we had two appointments yesterday morning. The first stop was to see Jonathan, our favorite prosthetist. Hannah has had her new running legs for about six weeks. When we went in for our two week check, they had to put new soling material on because she was already wearing through it. Well, four weeks later, and we had to have part of it re-glued. Let's just say that she LOVES her new legs. Jonathan said she had gone through about half the tread on these soles, so I figure in about another month or so, we will be making another trip to get new soles.

Alexis was scheduled to have her hearing tested. We had already noticed that her volume level had been going up lately. That, combined with the fact she had received a not-so-great result on her hearing test at school, (and the fact that it had been over a year since our last good check), I decided it was time to once again make the trek to get it checked. After we had to go see the Nurse Practitioner to get her right ear cleaned, we were able to go ahead with the test. This was probably the most un-eventful test she had ever had. She did GREAT!! Even when the audiologist startled her by talking too loudly in the earphones, she was able to calm herself back down and finish the test. The good news is - her hearing hasn't deteriorated since last February. That also means it didn't improve either though. We now have an appointment for the end of May to further discuss the possibility of surgically correcting her conductive hearing loss, and doing more reconstructive surgery on the outside of her ear. We will see what that holds. They think she may be big enough now to do some more of the needed procedures.

Well, I have two little girls that are ready to go to bed, whether they know it or not, so I guess I need to oblige them.

Oh, pray for Stellan and his family. This precious little guy will be headed to Boston for possible surgery. Pray for healing of his little heart, and wisdom for his family.

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