Sunday, April 26, 2009


We had some excitement around here this week. I received a call from Boys and Girl's Club Thursday afternoon that Hannah wasn't feeling well, and I needed to come pick her up from school. The girls usually stay late on Tuesdays, and now Thursdays, to practice with the BGC after school music group. When I got there, Hannah was asleep in a chair, by the front desk. For the next hour, she was either OUT, or crying inconsolably. I couldn't get her to tell me what was wrong. She eventually told me her eye hurt. I tried to get her to let me look at it, but again, she was out. When it was time to pick up Alexis, Hannah finally came to enough to say that her head hurt. Finally she was able to tell me she had fallen at school. Then the fun began. The search was on to find someone who was with her when she fell so I could find out what actually happened.

Little miss had fallen on the playground and hit the back of her head. (We have since found out that she fell a second time within a short period of time and hit her head in the same area) The picture above is what Hannah looked like while OUT from a concussion. Sorry for the poor quality, it was taken with my cell phone. My neighbor, who happens to be Lexi's teacher, graciously took care of Lex and Nathaniel so I could rush Hannah to the ER. She was starting to come around some by that point. We were triaged, and the nurse went ahead and ordered a CT for her. She told me to go back to the waiting room and they would get her for the scan, but to let her know if she started showing any more symptoms (more headache, trouble walking or talking, or vomiting). About a minute passed, then the vomiting began. Needless to say, we were "fast tracked" back to ct and a room.

Praise the Lord, the ct showed no skull fracture or brain bleed. She started to come around and we got to come home. Yesterday she still wasn't quite acting like herself, so I took her back yesterday for a second ct, and it too was clear. This morning, she was still a little "off" until she was awake for a couple of hours. I know it's probably going to be a couple more days until she it fully back.

This ordeal made us realize that even though she is a pretty tough cookie, she can still be fragile. As for me, I think I've had enough drama and excitement for one week. Between me going to the dentist Monday, and this beginning Thursday, I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet week.

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