Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CMN Photo Shoot

A few weeks ago, we had the privilege of going to Frontier City, in Oklahoma City, for a photo shoot for the 2010 CMN Calendar for OU Children's Hospital. The kiddos were VERY excited, but a little disappointed that the park wasn't actually open, but had a fun time none the less. It didn't hurt that we got to ride the carousel after the shoot was over.

I am excited for the opportunity for Hannah to be a representative for CMN. OU Children's is where all of her specialty doctors are. I can't say enough about well we have been treated by all of the clinics we have been to, and that actually covers quite a few. And of course, our personal favorite is Jonathan Day in the Prosthetics clinic. Jonathan and his team ROCKS!!

The calendars should be ready to purchase in the fall, and they will sell for $5, with all procedes benefiting CMN Research Institute in OKC. I will let everyone know when they are ready to purchase. Here are a few pics from the day. Enjoy!!

Still not real savy with the posting of pics, but I'm learning.


Melissa Ramirez said...

We would love to get together with the Hewett family. I would really like for Sophia to meet Hannah and see how cool her legs are.

Let's plan something.

Melissa Ramirez, melramirez22@yahoo.com

Michelle Riggs said...

Thank you so much for your comments and prayers. You have a beautiful family.

My sister makes Prosthetics and loves her work. I am so glad you have wonderful people working with your daughter.